Amida Buddha


Who was Buddha?
What is Buddhism?
Where on land & net
When did Pure Land develop?
Why Jodo Shu?
How to be a Buddha
Daily Meditation
More Information

More Information

Please bear with us as we populate this page. In the meantime, check out the sutras relevant to Pure Land teachings at the Jodo Shu Research Institute and the writings of Honen Shonin at the same site.

The Teachings of Buddha
The Larger Sutra on Amitayus, Part 1
The Larger Sutra on Amitayus, Part 2
Verse in Proclamation of the Buddha (Nyorai Juryou Honge)


This site is by Dr. Andrew E. Mossberg, of Inicom and exists as a public service. If you find value in the site, please share it with your friends, and support your local buddhist temple.